Our first radio interview together...

Earlier today Conor and I were interviewed on Toronto's CIUT 89.5FM, talking about Kill Shakespeare as well as the upcoming Toronto Wizard Comic-Con.  Take 5, hosted by Dave Peterson, it was a fun twenty minutes of conversation about the Kill Shakespeare concept, the comic book industry in general, anticipated academic reaction to the comic book series, the upcoming Wizard Con, and our panel on Friday afternoon.Thanks to Dave Peterson, who was a very skilled and polished host (asked us some very good questions that kept the conversation alive).  Thanks to Crystal Luxmore, who helped to co-ordinate the interview.  And thanks to everyone who listened - my email and Facebook boxes were filled with well-wishes from the interview.It was a great warm-up for future media interviews!


Issue 1 - Cover Art


Preview Issue #1 at the Toronto Wizard Comic-Con!