New Toronto signing announced! Silver Snail next Saturday (Feb 23rd)

We just confirmed late this week that we will be doing a third Toronto signing this month to celebrate the launch of our new The Tide of Blood series.One week from today, we will doing a Saturday afternoon (February the 23rd) signing at Toronto's The Silver Snail.  It's our first signing at their brand new location, right at the busy intersection of Yonge/Dundas.  We'll be there from 1-4pm.In addition to that, it will be the premiere of the Silver Snail exclusive cover of the issue.  We - along with the Snail - commissioned Toronto artist Maya Nord to create a Silver Snail-centric cover, available only to those that purchase the issue through the Snail.  It features the old and new locations of the store, and Kill Shakespeare characters helping Silver Snail employees with the move.

For those in Toronto that want this limited cover, visit the Snail beginning on Wednesday the 20th.  For those from outside of Toronto that want to order it, you'll have to contact the Snail (you can find their website here).I'll also post more information about the cover in the next week.


Caption Contest!


First full review is a positive one!