England loves Kill Shakespeare!

I just returned to Toronto last night after an amazing 10 days in England and I'm still on a bit of a high.  Those that know me know that I love the city of London. And after three trips there in the last 18 months I love it even more - and have been discovering that the country is starting to love Kill Shakespeare as well!I've already posted photos from my appearance at the Lakes International Comic Arts Festival and then my talk/stage walk at Shakespeare's Globe.Concluding my trip, I attended the MCM London Comic-Con at the ExCel Centre on London's southeast.  I had attended the May version and, having enjoyed it, returned for some more.  It was a great weekend - we sold completely out of books, sold most of our tshirts (again, apologies for those that really wanted our Shakespeare Fighter shirt, which sold out immediately), I hung out with some amazing people, did a great talk (and very well-attended) on How to Pitch and Market Your Indie Comic Book, and had a lot of fun.I have so many people to thank for this past weekend. First off, the organizers of the London Comic-Con, especially Gary Howe, for making my stay possible. Thanks to Emma Vieceli (and Andrew Ruddick) for also helping to coordinate my appearance and the talk.  Thanks to the witty and fun Serena Obhrai for serving as hostess through the week (and make sure to check out her new comic series Elysia, available early next year!).  Thanks to the boys at Traveling Man for helping to get my books to me.  Thanks to Mike Holman, Scott Hatfill, Ben Cornish and everyone at Diamond for coordinating everything on the distribution side. And thanks to everyone who swung by the table (and my talk) to say hello, learn about KS, and chat!  I love London!Here are a selection of photos from the weekend:Approximately 100,000 people attended this year's show, making it one of the largest in the world!Anthony was drawn as a comic book character in the new comic ELYSIA! Does it look like him?Anthony with Brooke Thomas, doing a dissertation on comics and Shakespeare!Anthony discussed the how-to's of pitching and marketing your comic.Artist Sonia Leong made a cameo on Sunday with her beautiful baby #princeleongA day before the London Comic-Con I swung by Orbital Comics' art exhibition opening of the work of Fables artists Mark Buckingham and Steve Leialoha.Andrew Ruddick channels Britney Spears all weekend.Diamond Comics UK's Ben Cornish works the KS tableEllie fills in for me and sells tshirts... and perfects her Southern US accent...Jessica and Serena from ELYSIA make their first comic-con appearance!Dracula and Wolverine fight over the final Exit Pursued by a Bard tshirt.First comic book ever!Iron Boy?An amazing tattoo of Lady Macbeth!An amazing tattoo of Lord Macbeth!Rash purchased the last copy of Volume 1, thereby ruining the rest of the day for so many others...Two friends react to their friend's purchase of our series!Emma Vieceli (left) sells her final copy of MUCH ADO ABOUT NOTHING.After the comic-con I unwound by checking out a show featuring my friends Lesley Pike and James Bryan (both Canucks!).Cosplay of THE LIZZIE BENNETT DIARIES. I love it!TWISTED DARK's Neil Gibson hams it up.Anthony with Diamond Comics' head of international Scott Hatfill... Who may or may not have actually read our series...Last book of the sale purchased!Anthony with Travelling Man UK's Will and Haroon.   


The Stage Show Returns Next Month!


All the World's the Globe Stage!