HOLMES VS HOUDINI #4 in Comic Shops Today!
We're happy to announce that the penultimate issue of SHERLOCK HOLMES VS HARRY HOUDINI hits comic shops today around the world!Sherlock Holmes is one of the world’s most famous literary characters, one of the most controversial aspects of this character is his drug addiction, something debated and discussed by his fans over the last hundred years. Some interpretations ignore it, some briefly mention it, and a brave few tackle it head-on.We like to take no prisoners.It is Holmes’ drug addiction that we delve into in this issue, with some cool visuals by artist Carlos Furuzono.Our previous issue found Sherlock Holmes and Harry Houdini defeated by the mysterious and powerful Rasputin. Now the two must rally to save London but to do so they must face their own demons – for Holmes this means a trip into the darkest corners of his mind through his major vice.
The improbable has become the impossible! With magician Harry Houdini arrested after a blood bath that has left his wife at the edge of death, detective Sherlock Holmes must overcome his suspicions – and his demons – to free Houdini and overcome a powerful enemy that commands the unholy powers of the spirits.So run out and grab a copy today - you'll enjoy it!