SDCC Day 0.5: Reunions with two mentors
Today was Preview Night at Comic-Con in San Diego... Andy, Conor and I had a chance to pick up our passes (after cutting in the line... shhh!...), check out some of the early sights. The biggest items being pushed this year - thus far, at least - are Scott Pilgrim, Thor and The Walking Dead. I'm sure that more will be discovered tomorrow, which will be the first full day... (And we will also provide a whole whack of photos as well!)...We were able to run into two individuals who both helped us out at a very early stage of the project. That is what's proving to be a great part of attending these conventions - running into old friends along the way.Ku Liang from Diamond Comics Distributors was one of the first people who gave us advice as we moved forward. He has been a great advocate of our project, talking to everyone at Diamond, librarians, retailers, sales reps, etc. He has given us sales and marketing advice, and become a real brand evangelist for Kill Shakespeare. For this assistance, much thanks!
Arvid Nelson was one of the first creators that we met (back at the New York Comic-Con in February, 2009 while we were pitching the project). Both Conor and I (especially Conor!) were fans of his Rex Mundi series and in the next few months he gave us advice about the industry, read through our first script to give us notes, and generally become a friend. He's working on some really cool projects at the moment, including one with Radical Publishing.Thanks to both Ku and Arvid for everything they've done for us thus far - and will continue to do!