LOVE IS IN THE AIR - Well actually a box...
A Kill Shakespeare team-member is getting married!(Don't worry ladies, it isn't Anthony, you can put your hearts back in your throats - GRIN).No, this is the rather unsung Alex Bethke, part of the team that has been working hard to design a prototype for a Kill Shakespeare inspired word battle game.Alex let me know that last night, he proposed to his now fiance, Kienan Marie Walker, and she said YES!Of course, given what Alex DID for his proposal how could she say no?First off, the ring, a THIRD generation heirloom, was pretty cool.But then there was what Kienan had to do to get to the ring. You see, Alex decided to go full Geek-Fu on this proposal and designed, and built, a 977 PIECE PUZZLE BOX for her to master.I could't even PUT TOGETHER a 977 piece lego set -- and he designed it AND built it (based on the Hellraiser design, naturally).What's more, the box had over a DOZEN puzzle elements -- Kienan even needed a hint to try to solve one of them.Alex filmed the four hours it took him to build the box as a gift and then presented the whole thing to her at night, surrounded by candles, on their balcony (using the Fight Club "Your one perfect moment..." quote as the lead in).
And she said yes!So, we congratulate Alex and Kienan on what will undoubtedly be a very entertaining life together (I'm just wondering if Alex is going to show up at the altar submerged in a giant aquarium and have to make a Houdini-like escape in order to kiss the bride).All the best to the new couple from the rest of us the Kill Shakespeare team!
Love is in the air. Kill Shakespeare-style!
UPDATE (May 28th, 2013): Julia Beckmann, who owns Amore Vita, saw the below post and super-kindly sent over a bunch of the most relevant Kill Shakespeare snaps. So while I would still VERY HEAVILY recommend you go over to her site ( you can now look at some of those photos right here, right now!(How's that for service, huh?)
As the wonderful Mr. Anthony Del Col so kindly noted, a year ago this day was when the love of my life, Crystal Luxmore, and I got married.It's been a fantastic year and I'm blessed beyond belief to have met my perfect partner.I love you sweetie.But enough about that... because we've got ANOTHER awesome couple we need to focus on.Rico Renzi, part of the team of awesome dudes & dudettes behind Heroes Aren't Hard To Find, one of the top comic shops in the WORLD sent this very cool e-mail to me.It seems that Josh, one of Heroes' regulars, decided he needed to get his love of comics into his wedding photos. That, in itself, is cool: we love all things geeky and romancing up here in Kill Shakespeare headquarters.But what made this REALLY awesome? The bride to be, Denise? She seems to be a K.S. fan!Check out this link for Amore Vita - if you scroll about half-way down through Julia's pictures you'll see Kill Shakespeare's cameo (you'll also see some great visual references to Superman, Star Wars and other classic components of the geek canon).Hug someone you love!Conor