Images from Toronto Wizard Comic-Con

Andy, Conor and I had a great time this past weekend at the Toronto Wizard Comic-Con.  Much smaller than the FanExpo that appears in August in the city, it nonetheless was a big success for us.  We had a LOT of people stop by our booth and sold a lot of books and issues.  What's even better is that a lot of people had already heard of us, which means that our marketing campaigns have been working!Thanks to Doug and Peter at Paradise Comics who were able to arrange for us to have a booth at the show.  We were actually positioned right across from the Delorean from Back to the Future, so it was great to see that machine still chugging away.  (I'm not sure where the plutonium was coming from this - I have a feeling it's probably tough to do business with Libyans these days...).Here are some images from the show...


We X'D in public!


Was Hamlet Irish?