The Mask of Night collected edition is out next week!
I'm excited to announce that the collected trade paperback of THE MASK OF NIGHT is being released next week in comic shops around the world (and bookstores will be the following week). So if you're looking for a great holiday gift idea for that comic and/or Shakespeare fan in your circle, our fourth volume could be it!This collected book includes the original four issues, a new backup story detailing the backstory of our protagonist's brother Sebastian (tying it into our Kill Shakespeare universe), and a page-by-page dissection of script-to-artwork.We're excited to see the final product when it arrives (after LA port delays) and we know you will too!
New York Comic-Con
We are now only a week away from our biggest comic-con of the year... The New York Comic-Con!It was five years ago that we attended this show and secured ourselves a publishing deal with IDW... and now we're back with not only the fourth volume of Kill Shakespeare but also the debut of our new Sherlock Holmes vs. Harry Houdini series.
We will be at Booth #1249 the entire weekend so swing by say hello, check out our final issue of Kill Shakespeare: The Mask of Night, the first issue of Holmes vs. Houdini... and our board game! You can find a floor plan here. Andy will also be at the show at Table N11.We will also be doing signings at some other booths over the span of the weekend. These will include:IDW Publishing (Booth #1844) - Fri (Oct 12) - 6 - 7pmDynamite Comics (Booth #2022) - Thu (Oct 11) - 2-3pmDynamite Comics (Booth #2022) - Sat (Oct 13) - 4-5pmDynamite Comics (Booth #2022) - Sun (Oct 14) - 11am - 12pmSo it'll be a busy weekend for us but do come and visit!
Page #1 of The Mask of Night #3
We're quite chuffed about the next issue of THE MASK OF NIGHT, released next Wednesday (the 27th). And in anticipation of it, here's a side-by-side image of the final inked Page #1 by Andy Belanger and the final colored lettered page (coloured by Shari Chankhamma, lettered by Chris Mowry). What do you think?
Mask of Night #3 is out next week (Aug 27th)!
Yes, the headline is correct... After a slate of very positive reviews for Issue #2, our third (and penultimate) issue of THE MASK OF NIGHT is out next Wednesday (the 27th)!(And yes, it's also an exciting day as it's my birthday... But I digress...)Here are the two covers for the issue... Which one do you like best?
The Mask of Night #2 cover!
It's scary how quickly time passes... We're now only two weeks ago from the release of The Mask of Night #2 (due in comic shops on Wednesday, July 23rd)!We've been pretty busy in the last couple of weeks with finalizing the rest of this mini-series (as well as some other things that will be announced soon) but we're excited to present our second issue of the series, picking up with Captain Cesario and his lover Viola, harboring Hamlet, Juliet, Othello and Shakespeare, and at the mercy of the Lavinia, Titus' main vessel. It's a tale of mutiny and love and should be one of our finest.Here is the first cover of the issue, done by our own Andy Belanger:Check out the issue in two weeks at all comic book shops around the world!
First Page of The Mask of Night
With just over a week before the release of Kill Shakespeare: The Mask of Night #1 (released next Wed, Jun 18th) we're excited to release this first page of the issue. You can check out the amazing artwork by Andy Belanger (with colouring by Shari Hess) here:
This first page of the series introduces a brand new character into our story - the masked pirate Captain Cesario, who has a very interesting backstory and tie-in to one of Shakespeare's most beloved characters.Keep checking back for more sneak peaks!
Our new series is around the horizon!
"Though know'st the mask of night is on my face..."Yes, it's been a while since I've posted an update on our new upcoming series but that's because I've been quite busy (working from New York) and we've got a lot on the go. The thing I'm most excited about, though, is our brand new comic mini-series, KILL SHAKESPEARE: THE MASK OF NIGHT. And great news - the series debuts this month!I'll be posting art from the first issue over the next two weeks but the current release date of the first issue is Wednesday, June 18th! Yes, in just over two weeks from today!And here is a look at our first cover of the series, by series artist Andy Belanger (the B cover is by J.K. Woodward, based upon art from our upcoming board game). One of the central characters, the pirate Captain Cesario, is defined by his mask, which appears on Andy's first cover.So keep checking for more information - we'll be posting quite a bit in the next couple of weeks!
It's Official! A Brand New Mini-series Is On Its way!
It's official! Hamlet, Juliet, Shakespeare and our characters are coming back for more!IDW Publishing has officially announced this morning the release of Kill Shakespeare: The Mask of Night. Set to launch in June of this year, it is a four-issue series that continues our adventures but also allows us to introduce some new players to our stage. Oh, and there's pirates as well. The official summary of the series is:Hamlet, Juliet, Othello and Shakespeare become pawns in a deadly game between the infamous pirate Captain Cesario, his lover (and second mate) Viola, and the new terror on the seas, Titus Andronicus’ massive dreadnaught The Lavinia. Featuring pirate battles, action, violence, love, strong female heroines, comedy, death and an exploration of the power of myth, The Mask of Night continues the tales of Hamlet and Juliet from The Tide of Blood and also introduces new players (some of which will be featured in the board game) and mythologies.Yes, we are introducing Viola (from Twelfth Night) into our story. She is one of the most requested Shakespeare characters and we're excited to bring her into our story in a very unique take on her.Coming back to the series is its bedrock, Andy Belanger as artist for both interiors and covers. As he says, "Shari Chankhamma (colorist) and I have sharpened our pencils, made black our brushes and are ready to paint the high seas red in this next chapter of Kill Shakespeare! Get ready for BLOOD!"Conor and I are back on writing duties, and Shari is the colourist. Assisting us on our side is our amazing editorial assistant Keith Morris and we're excited to be working again with the team at IDW, from our editor Tom Waltz to designer Chris Mowry to everyone else (Chris Ryall, Ted Adams, Greg Goldstein, Dirk Wood, Rosalind Morehead, Kahlil Sweitzer, Alan Payne, Robbie Robbins and everyone else).Look for more updates in the coming months - we're excited about this!
The team reunites at FanExpo this weekend
With our busy schedules these days, one of us having a child, and living in different cities, it's often tough for myself, Conor and Andy to actually be in the same place at the same time. That's what makes this upcoming weekend's FanExpo something for us to look forward to!
Yes, all three of us will be appearing at FanExpo this weekend, Toronto's largest comic and fan convention!
The show takes place at the Metro Convention Centre from Thursday (the 22nd) until Sunday (the 25th). We will be appearing at Table #P128D by all of the other comic guests and artist alley (around the food court area).So swing by our table, pick up some books/issues/shirts and also get a preview of what's coming up for us - our final issue of The Tide of Blood (released August 28th), new t-shirt designs, and perhaps even a glimpse at our mobile game...
See you there!
Kill Shakespeare at San Diego Comic-Con
The biggest comic convention in the world begins next Wednesday in San Diego... It's Comic-Con!Neither Conor nor I will be attending Comic-Con this year - we're both busy with writing deadlines and other events - but in our place artist Andy Belanger will be attending!
Andy will be busy through the weekend with meetings but you should be able to find him in many place - just look for the guy with the French-Canadian lumberjack beard... As well, he will be signing at the IDW Publishing booth (Booth #2643) as part of their "Independents Day" signing on Sunday (July 21st) from 12 noon - 2pm. So if you'd like to pick up copies of Kill Shakespeare or bring anything to be signed, make sure to visit him then!For those attending the show - have a great time! And we're jealous that you'll be there while we're missing it!
Kill Shakespeare says: "Hope to see y'all soon in Charlotte"
This weekend the K.S. boys mark their return to Charlotte, North Carolina to attend the 2013 HeroesCon!
It's been a couple of years since we were in the land of the soft drawl and the hush-puppy and Andy and I are excited to see all the fans in the area, as well as make tons of new ones (for those hoping to see Anthony, sorry, but with the big guy having just returned from London, and with Boston (part deux) and Chicago still on the docket we thought we'd give him a break).I'm also going to have the great pleasure of driving down to the convention with the talented Scott Chantler (Northwest Passage, Two Generals, Tower of Treasure). Scott and I will both be set up in Artist Alley -- I'll be at booth AA-107 with trades, new issues of The Tide of Blood, and t-shirts and buttons galore!Come on by, say hello, take a silly picture or two and maybe win some free swag if you can answer some CANADIAN TRIVIA!ConorPS: A big thanks to Rico, and everyone else at Heroes Aren't Hard To Find, the amazing shop in Charlotte that runs this convention. You guys are the greatest.
Bonus Sneek Peak of Issue #4
With the skies pretty dreary here in Toronto and the temperature being a jerk and dropping from the lovely 20 degree days we'd enjoyed a week ago to as low as nine (seriously?). I know that I really need a pick-me up.So, I thought I'd share that impulse with the rest of you. Normally we only toss out four preview pages from any given Kill Shakespeare installment, but with issue #4 due out tomorrow and such a grey day around me I thought, what the heck? Go nuts.So here I am, going nuts (I'm a wild man, you should see me eating full-fat yoghurt... bad!).Enjoy! (As always all pencils and inks are by Andy B. while Shari Chankhamma turns in another superlative colours job).
Preview Pages of The Tide of Blood #4
Just completed a full day of meetings and story activity here in London and head to the MCM London Expo tomorrow for the weekend...In the meantime, here are a couple preview pages of The Tide of Blood #4, to be released next week (Wed, May 29th)... As usual, all artwork is by Andy Belanger and colouring by Shari Chankhamma.
Issue #3 is released today!
The day has arrived! Issue #3 of The Tide of Blood is in comic book shops around the world today!
We're quite excited about this issue. The continuation of the saga of Juliet, Romeo, Hamlet, Miranda and Prospero continues in this issue and not only are we happy with the story but Andy Belanger's artwork is amazing. He has a great take on the look of Prospero but also the mad wizard's setting.The early reviews are quite positive as well.Keith Silva from Comics Bulletin writes: "As aesthetics go, Kill Shakespeare: Tide of Blood comes as close to perfection -- to some sort of golden ratio of comic books -- as any art aspires to achieve. "Lyzard from writes: "What Belanger chooses to do with Prospero’s “study” works as both an homage to the source material and a giant leap from anything put to paper, canvas, stage, or film."Samantha Roehrig from Comic Bastards writes: "I love how raw the pictures are in this comic. It draws me into the play and I can’t stop thinking I should drink poison or stab myself with a dagger in order to fit in. I can’t wait for the big fight scene. I love Shakespeare and I am wondering why it took me so long to pick up this comic. So don’t miss out on this newest installment."
We're in both Calgary and Chicago this weekend!
It's a busy weekend for all of us as we're all at comic conventions this weekend!First off, I will be attending the Calgary Comic & Entertainment Expo in Western Canada this weekend. The show runs on Fri (12 - 8), Sat (10 - 7) and Sun (10 - 5) at the BMO Centre. The convention is one of the fastest growing conventions in the world - if not the fastest. I attended two years ago (Conor attended last year) and we sold out of everything by the middle of the day Saturday.I will be at Table P-10 all weekend. I will also be hosting a panel "How to Pitch Your Own Comic" will be on Saturday, Apr 27 @ 4:30pm in Palomino FG. Check it out for pointers on how to get a publishing deal, put together a pitch package, etc. It's been standing room only at numerous other conventions so this one should be good.
Whilst I'm in Calgary, Andy and Conor will be attending Chicago's C2E2 convention this weekend. I attended last year and it's another fast-growing event. The two will be positioned at Table 1037 all weekend.On top of that, Chicago's Strawdog Theatre will be doing a free preview/review performance of their acclaimed run of KILL SHAKESPEARE: LIVE GRAPHIC NOVEL at the show this weekend. It will be held on Fri, Apr 26 @ 3:15pm on the Variant Stage. If you're attending the show be sure to check it out
First Page of Issue #3 of The Tide of Blood
Yesterday we posted the cover for The Tide of Blood #3. Today we're going to do something different by posting the first page of the issue - with lettering.The issue begins with a significant character (hint: his name is in the title...) in hiding as as fool at a bar. What happens when he is discovered by two mysterious figures?The artwork is by Andy Belanger and coloured by Shari Hess.
Cover for Issue #3 (to be released next Wednesday)!
We have just received word from IDW Publishing (our publisher, obviously) and Diamond Comics (our distributor) that Issue #3 of The Tide of Blood (titled "Darkness Which the Blind Do See") is being released next Wednesday (the 24th of April). It's a fitting release day as it's the day after the anniversary of Shakespeare's birth/death (April 23rd).Here is the cover for Issue #3, created by our series artist Andy Belanger:
The write-up for Previews magazine for the issue is the following:"With Hamlet in the clutches of Lady Macbeth, Juliet and Romeo grapple with the island’s powers - and their past - to save him and themselves. But another, even greater, threat has entered the stage: Prospero, the mad wizard whose dominion over the island promises a deadly end for our heroes."Look for it next week at all comic book shops and online!
Happy Birthday to Andy Belanger!
Just a quick note whilst in Anaheim for WonderCon (booth #608!)... Today I take a moment to celebrate the birthday of the heart and soul of Kill Shakespeare... artist Andy Belanger!
I wish I was in Montreal right now to celebrate with him (and perhaps recount our amazing April Fool's Day joke of three years ago...) but I know that he's having a great time today - probably doing some work, having a beverage or two, having a great time with his fiancee Becky Cloonan, and enjoying life.Happy birthday, man! Here's to another great year of accomplishments and achievements!