Happy Birthday to Paradise!

Once someone finds a local comic shop they like, they want to stay loyal to them.  For me, living in Toronto's midtown area, the closest is Paradise Comics.  Even before Kill Shakespeare was published they were great to me, giving me advice on the publishing industry and things to watch for as I dipped my toe - and then dove into - the world of comics.  We're so incredibly fortunate here in Toronto to have three stores (The Beguiling and The Silver Snail are the two others) that have really supported us over the last two year and that's why, in our second volume, we made a point to thank all three in our Special Thanks page.

Yesterday Peter, Doug, Andrew and everyone at Paradise Comics celebrated their 20th anniversary.  Conor and I were able to stop by for a bit to visit, have some cake, take a few photos, and celebrate making it to 20 years.  The store has really grown over the years and it's great to see how they've been able to adapt to the trends in the industry.

Happy birthday and congrats to everyone at Paradise!


Kill Shakespeare in Montreal!


Pics from Toronto's FanExpo