Thanks to Everyone at NYCC!

We arrived back from the New York Comic-Con yesterday and have hit the ground running on a number of things - working out the details (and the script) for our live stage reading next month, prepping for the release of our second trade (also next month), and catching up on sleep (we may have to wait for this until... you guessed it, next month...).The New York Comic-Con was a huge success for us.  We sold out of most of our product and (almost) broke our convention record!  We met a lot of existing fans and made some new ones.  Thanks to everyone who helped out with the show - those that stopped by to say hello, the organizers who did a good job, the artists and business people in our section, and those that put up with us for our times in New York.Here are some various photos from the weekend.


Appearance in Salt Lake City this Weekend


Sneak peak at Volume 2!