Snail Trail!
Last weekend, on Saturday August 18th, Toronto's oldest comic shop - The Silver Snail - moved house.Sorta.
The Snail has been on the cusp of moving for several months as their old digs on 367 Queen West has been sold to be developed as condos (surprise, surprise). But because of slower than expected rennovations at their new home-to-be at 329 Yonge (in Yonge and Dundas Square) the store hasn't been able to move.But that didn't stop the Snail's new owners Mark and George from organizing a very cool
event that saw hundred of volunteers line up, side by side, from the old locale to the new one. Then this human chain moved over a 100 boxes and props from the old store to Yonge and Dundas square.Sure, there wasn't anyplace to PUT these boxes as the workers were still hammering and sawing away BUT that didn't matter because the boxes were actually filled with goodies that were then raffled off to all the helpers.The whole thing was covered by several media outlets giving our comic-friends some great buzz as they prepare to expand the Snail's legacy.
Yours truly got to be a marshall, which basically means I had to carry boxes across intersections... 'cause if a volunteer gets run over that's a tragedy, if a red-head gets whacked that's a Louie CK bit.Hope you're all enjoying the Expo! See you in a couple of hours.Conor