Appearing at London's MCM Show this weekend!

Just got back from a whirlwind two weeks in Europe - and now I'm going back there!In addition to my Inspired By: Shakespeare talk at the Globe Theatre this Thursday evening at 7pm, I will be attending the London MCM Comic-Con this weekend (Fri, May 22 - Sun, May 24) at the ExCel Centre in Southwest London. I am located in the Comics Village section, Table #CB1 (map can be found here).The obligatory signage.It'll be my fourth time appearing at the show and I'm excited to return to what is always an amazing show. And this year I'll have our new hardcover Kill Shakespeare book and some other special things.So if you're in London this weekend - or know anyone that is - come by and visit me!   


A Jolly Time in London!


Appearing at Shakespeare's Globe next month!