Stars of HeroesCon!
I just wanted to take a couple of moments now that the crush of HeroesCon is over and bring you up-to-date on some of the coolest people and things I saw in Charlotte.Teenage Satan: This insidiously amazing idea percolated from the unholy trio of Stephanie Buscema, Marsha Cooke and Candis Cooke. Uh, Satan? In high-school? Yes please! (and these ladies are already scaring the system, the corporate muck-a-mucks made them take down their first trailer).Ninjasaurus: Written and drawn by my doppelganger, Jason Horn, this web-comic asks what would happen if a dinosaur trained in the blacks arts of Ninjitsu? The answer: Lots of fighting (but surprisingly little biting).All City Studios: I never got a chance to chat with John Hairston, the man who does this amazing work, but his Galactus, Panda's and Shanti Babba-inspired work speaks for itself. If not for a very real fear of being murdered by my fiancee, and a total lack of funds, one of these babies woulda been mine.
Richard Case: A fantastic comic artist who now works primarily in video games, Richard is probably best known for his work on Grant Morrison's run on Doom Patrol. He gave us this awesome sketchbook and was an all-around amazing guy.Jackie Lewis, Noelle Giffin, Jen Keith, Laura Truxillo: These were four lovely ladies we met who are all either in art-school, or just finishing who are working on their own projects. Check out this new talent and see what the next wave of female illustrators and comic artists is up to!
We're very fortunate to know the talented and lovely Marsha Cooke - one of our favourite people in the world of comics. Well, Marsha has given us ANOTHER reason to worship at her temple of awesomeness as she, Stephanie Buscema and Candis Cooke have come together to create the awesome looking Teenage Satan!Check out the trailer below (and because Marsha is so bad-ass, she challenged mighty Warner by using Martin Solveig's "Hello" as this clip's original score. But after 17,000 views they made her pull it down. I get it, but BEWARE Warner - Teenage Satan has you on a list!)I'm also a little jealous that Marsha already has an entire suite of often web-games ready to go... just reminds me we really need get ourselves in gear on that front).Enjoy!