Anthony in London this weekend (UK)!

I will be traveling to the home country of Mr. Shakespeare himself this week.  Departing tomorrow, I will be attending the MCM London Comic-Con this upcoming weekend (May 24 - 26) in London this weekend.  I will be in the Comics Village the entire weekend so if you - or anyone that you know - will be attending swing by to say hello and pick up a book or issue (or two).

Kill Shakespeare in London!

I will then be heading over to Oxford to teach a Shakespeare class and take in some other meetings.I'm looking forward to revisiting England.  Last year's trip was amazing  - attending the Bristol and Kapow! shows, visiting Oxford and, of course, Stratford-upon-Avon. And it'll be great to reconnect with friends from last year's show - and make new ones.Check out the video that Conor and I shot at Shakespeare's Birthplace last year...


Preview Pages of The Tide of Blood #4


Cover for Issue #4 (sneak peek)!