Great unboxing video for our Kill Shakespeare board game
Board game specialist has just posed an unboxing video for our Kill Shakespeare board game, coming out this month! Take a look (and try to resist admitting that his assistants are the cutest of all-time!).
Pictures from that most latin of North American cities. The one that never sleeps - the one that starts with an "M"
... Montreal. I know, I know that I just got back from Miami and you want photos of Manatees and Martinis, but some of you have been bugging me for awhile about La Belle Province."Conor," you say, "Where are all those photos you promised from Montreal? You took like a dozen of you and the belly dancer alone!"And I had to confess that because I am technologically dumb I had somehow managed to save my Montreal photos in a strange directory that I could not find to upload them.But lo and behold! While taking photos for my time at the Miami Book Fair, I managed to save THOSE photos in the same place and this time, sitting along in my hotel room with nothing but tap water and angst, I managed to CRACK THE CODE.So here we go -- a small sample of the VERY delayed Montreal photos are here, as well as a video from the show of a hoarse-voiced me trying to pitch a girl on the merits of Kill Shakespeare, but all she's REALLY interested in is my celebrity look-alike...For all the photos cruise over to our Facebook page: Miami photos and stories will be along in a day or so.Hugs,ConorAnd now the video!
Anthony talks Oscars!
With the ending of the Toronto International Film Festival, Oscar season is in full-swing! A big area of interest for me is the annual Oscar race and I've done interviews on a number of media shows to discuss the politics and campaigning around this season.One show I've been on a number of times is The Stephen Holt Show (the self-prescribed Oscar Messenger), based in New York. Stephen was in Toronto last week for TIFF and I sat down with him at the beginning of the fest (just before heading out to Baltimore) to talk Oscars. Here is part one of the interview (Part 2 is here):
Anthony talks libraries (video)
At the American Library Association Annual Conference a few weeks ago in Chicago I sat down with Jennifer "Bill" Billingsley from the Glenwood-Lynwood Public Library to talk about Kill Shakespeare, my thoughts on libraries, our stage show, growing up at libraries in northern Canada, and a range of other things.The video was shot on her iPad so the video is in a different perspective (and the audio isn't great) but you get the gist of what we're talking about...
Librarians, here we come!
One of the more unique - and enjoyable - conferences I attended last year was the American Library Association Annual Conference (held in Anaheim last June). It's a huge smorgasbord of some of the most influential readers and people in the publishing industry - the librarians!I'm excited to attend this year's Annual Conference again, which will be held this weekend in Chicago (at the McCormick Place convention Centre, where we've attended C2E2 the last two years). I will be representing Kill Shakespeare at the event, which will be open this Friday (the 28th) and go until Monday (July 1st).
For those attending the show, I will be in the Artist Alley section of the show, at Booth 2461. Make sure to swing by and say hello and I'll probably be able to give you a sneak peak at the final issue of The Tide of Blood (but if I show you I may need to kill you afterwards...).
One of the other things that will be happening is a silent auction through the weekend. Andy Belanger has donated an original page of art from our original series, which is up for auction. Details about the silent auction can be found here. (Updated - June 25 - the page on the site was ruined in transit so we will be bringing another page for the auction instead.)
Here's a video interview I did at last year's show, talking about my experiences at libraries growing up:
Anthony in London this weekend (UK)!
I will be traveling to the home country of Mr. Shakespeare himself this week. Departing tomorrow, I will be attending the MCM London Comic-Con this upcoming weekend (May 24 - 26) in London this weekend. I will be in the Comics Village the entire weekend so if you - or anyone that you know - will be attending swing by to say hello and pick up a book or issue (or two).
I will then be heading over to Oxford to teach a Shakespeare class and take in some other meetings.I'm looking forward to revisiting England. Last year's trip was amazing - attending the Bristol and Kapow! shows, visiting Oxford and, of course, Stratford-upon-Avon. And it'll be great to reconnect with friends from last year's show - and make new ones.Check out the video that Conor and I shot at Shakespeare's Birthplace last year...
A one-minute summary of The Tide of Blood #1
Vlogger Shea Koshan often puts together one-minute summaries of comics that she likes (she did one for the first issue of our original series three years ago) and she's back with a video synopsis of the first issue of The Tide of Blood.What do you think of her summary? Feel free to post comments on her YouTube page or her Twitter site and let her know.
Conor on stage with Neil Gaiman (Video)
As mentioned last weekend I had an amazing time out in Orlando where I got to be part of the International Association for the Fantastic Arts' annual conference.One of the real treats was getting to be IN a play with Neil Gaiman. The play was called "The Sum of Your Experience" and the lovely dirtectrix, Carrie J. Cole, sent me a link to a video of the show.Bill Clementine, a noble IAFA member, shot the video and edited it for this clip and the narration is provided by Brett Cox.(And if you don't know which one is me and which one is Mr. Gaiman? I'm the handsome one - GRIN)We did this after just one hour of rehearsal - so I think it's pretty amazing we didn't screw up too many lines (I combined two lines once but Neil covered like a champ -- see if you can spot my screw-up).Enjoy!
Valentine Movies Guys Won't Hate (The Morning Show clip)
Conor and I appeared on Global TV's Morning Show again this morning, this time discussing "guy-friendly" Valentine's Day/romantic films. We appeared again with our excellent co-panelist Daniel Reynolds, a film/basketball blogger.It was a fun segment where we each listed two films that guys would enjoy on this day. What exactly were our picks? Check out the video footage below...
Trailer for The Tide of Blood released!
With the launch of the Kill Shakespeare: The Tide of Blood in just under two weeks (February 20th!) we're quite happy to release our official teaser trailer.Designed by young filmmaker Adrien Benson, and produced by our amazing marketing intern Keith Morris, the trailer is a nice teaser of the journey that our characters embark upon in this series. The music is a piece entitled "Moon Interpretation" by Jeremy Gulino.Check it out - and spread the word by sharing it on Facebook, Twitter and elsewhere!
The Kill Shakespeare Bar!
Yes, for one weekend in late March there will indeed be a Kill Shakespeare bar...As a part of FableTown and Beyond (March 22-24) a spot known as Brad's Place will be going back in time to become the Kill Shakespeare Bar, which will host all the attendees. It's a pretty cool olde english-y type of pub that hopefully will inspire some great conversations, laughter, and perhaps even a bar fight or two (but that'll only be between myself and our intern extraordinaire Keith Morris, I predict, though I'm sure that I have many other enemies...).Here is a quick screen grab from the YouTube clip, also show below.As the Fabletown and Beyond website says:"Every convention has the one bar where everyone ends up hanging out. But, as far as we know, no convention has opened it’s own private bar, specifically for the event. We’re rather proud to be the first. During the entire three days of the show, we’ll have the Kill Shakespeare bar open for the exclusive use of our attendees. It’s in the Lord Essex room of the Kahler Hotel, operated by your host, Brad Thomte (of San Diego Fables Panel fame), as a place where you can enjoy good drinks, good food, and unprecedented small-group access to our wonderful and erudite guests. Buying them a drink in order to ply them for inside information on your favorite Mythic Fiction books is not only allowed—it’s ordained."
Making Oscar predictions
One of our most loyal - and most fun - journalists that we've done interviews with is Stephen Holt, the New York-based Oscar pundist. I always try to do an interview or two with Stephen in the midst of the Toronto Film Festival and Stephen has now become a regular at the New York Comic-Con.Stephen has been billed as "The Oscar Messenger" and, as a follower of the Oscar season, I always enjoy chatting with him about his predictions and thoughts on the Oscar race. Here is a video taken during Comic-Con last weekend, and you can also check out an interview that Stephen does with both myself and Conor here.
A fan has fun going through Kill Shakespeare in this video
Shea, a voracious comic book reader, has done a number of extensive reviews of books over the last few years. She recently stepped up and did a full review (and full synopsis of Kill Shakespeare) on her website video section, Spoilerific!.SPOILER ALERT! Shea goes through the entire comic book story here so if you haven't read it, perhaps you shouldn't go through all of it with her.Overall she does like our series. She makes a number of funny remarks - and doesn't like every element about the series - but I did enjoy her enthusiasm about it. There are a few mis-interpretations but she does raise a couple really good questions about specific elements. I found it quite enjoyable.(And her friends that did cameos are also pretty fun.)Here's the video:
K.S. Friends, "Bad Kids Go To Hell", Bring Their Film To FanExpo
Going to conventions as much as we do you get the great opportunity to meet other creative entrepreneurs, and one of the real pleasures of the job is being able to share their work with your own fans and supporters.So without further ado...One of the most interesting events that should be on top of your "things to do at FanExpo", is the Bad Kids Go To Hell screening.Based on the bestselling Bad Kids Go To Hell graphic novel, which is kinda a 'John Hughes meets Halloween' idea, the film is going to premiere at the FanExpo on Saturday night.You can meet Matt and "Bazza" the two creators of the book and film at Booth #802 (they are special guests of the Silver Snail) and see the film at 6:30 PM in room 715. Check the boys' newsletter for a special "Detention Slip" that can get you into the film.
Matt and Barry (Baz's REAL name) are great guys that we met when we first started promoting Kill Shakespeare - their comic-to-screen journey is one we're working hard to emulate - so for any of our fans who also loves a good old-fashioned 80's style sex and scare story you should make a point of checking out the Bad Kids journey.For a better taste - here is the trailer:
Anthony Interviewed at ALA
Here is an interview that I did with the fun Kat Kan for the American Library Association while in Anaheim this past weekend... I talk about Kill Shakespeare, the genesis of the project, and thoughts on libraries (and having KS in libraries)...(I hope that sound of the baby crying/laughing in the background isn't too distracting for you...)
Anthony Talks About Libraries!
In two weeks I will be attending the American Library Association Annual Conference in Anaheim and am really looking forward to it. It will my first time there and, in addition to having a table all weekend to talk about Kill Shakespeare I will also be giving a presentation about Kill Shakespeare and how we created our project.In anticipation of this, I did an interview with the ALA's Megan McFarlane at C2E2 in Chicago in April to talk about my earliest library experiences...
Vloging from Stratford-upon-Avon
Conor and I visited Stratford-upon-Avon earlier today and had some great meetings with a number of top Shakespearean scholars, movers and shakers. The rain-and-then-sunny-then-rain-again couldn't keep our spirits down as the day began with a trip to the Shakespeare Birthplace - the house that the Bard was born and raised in (and then took over and converted into a pub when he returned to Stratford as a successful playwright).Here is a brief video that I took while there... and look for a cameo from Conor (along with an educational insight)...
A Video of Anthony from WonderCon
A little video that Lyz "Lyzard" Reblin took of me a week ago at WonderCon...
Anthony Appears on T-Dot Comix New Vlog
Earlier this week I sat down with one of the biggest fans of our series, Alice Quinn. She and XXX have started a new web series, Quinntessential Comics, which is a weekly series devoted to discussing comics with fans, experts and creators.It's always great to chat with Alice and we had a lot of fun shooting this episode.
Top o' The Morning
Conor and I appeared on Canada's GlobalTV The Morning Show earlier today to talk about Kill Shakespeare and our Live Stage Reading this weekend (tomorrow and Sunday!) at The Young Centre for the Performing Arts. It was a fun spot - it's rare to be able to have an 8-10 minute conversation on live television like that. Conor and I really enjoyed ourselves and chatting about the book, the reading, Twilight, inspiration, schools and everything else.To watch the interview click on the image below (thanks to Liz Cunha for emailing us some screenshots from her Blackberry).