You're Invited!
Alright you guys, it's time to come out and celebrate with us!
The K.S. Board Game is FINALLY out and has been delivered to almost all of our Kickstarter supporters as well as to game shops across North America. We're patting ourselves on the back and throwing a launch party with the help of the amazing people at Snakes & Lagers - 488 College St.
The whole thing goes down next Tuesday, December 9th from 5 PM until your brains explode from awesome gaming.
AND we want two of you, are dedicated fans to win the chance to play at the head table against Conor and our special MYSTERY GUEST (shhhh, it might be Ajay).
To do that you need to tell me WHAT GAME IS FESTE playing here in Issue #3 of The Tide of Blood?
This is a tough one, so keep an eye on our social media, twitter, Facebook and tumblr for more clues.
For all the details on the launch read on below!
Kill Shakespeare and Snakes & Lagers team up to launch KILL SHAKESPEARE BOARD GAME
Lucky fans will get chance to beat Kill Shakespeare co-creator Conor McCreery at his own game and meet SPACE TV’s Ajay Fry.
Toronto: Fans of both ‘Bardicide’ and brews will get a chance to combine their passions as Toronto’s #1 gaming bar, Snakes & Lagers hosts the official release party for Kill Shakespeare: The Board Game— based on the award winning Kill Shakespeare comic series.SPACE TV’s Ajay Fry will host the evening, and portions of the event will be shown on Hyperspace, SPACE’s flagship news program for all things in Geek culture. Kill Shakespeare co-creator Conor McCreery will also be at Snakes and two fans will get a chance to beat him (and Fry) at his own game by winning seats at the head table with Conor and Ajay.The evening begins at 5 p.m. on Tuesday December 9th at 488 College St. West. To help celebrate the launch Snakes & Lagers will offer special deals to gamers on a host of their craft beers.Kill Shakespeare: The Board Game is the first release from IDW Games. Designed by Tomas Vande Giste and Wolf Plancke, the creators of the cult classic strategy game Yedo, Kill Shakespeare is a semi-co-operative game in which you and up to three friends each play as one of Shakespeare’s legendary heroes: Hamlet, Juliet Falstaff, Othello or Viola. Together you must overthrow the oppressive duo of Richard III and Lady Macbeth.But, as in real life—only one of you can be the hero of the revolution—and the ultimate winner of the game. This forces each player to constantly balance their actions between what’s good for the rebellion, with their own desire to be crowned the new King or Queen of Illyria.“I’m looking forward to teaming up with two passionate gamers to take down Richard and Lady Macbeth, but of course I’m going to be forced to backstab them in the end,” says McCreery. “What else would you expect from a guy who always plays as Falstaff?”To get your chance to play at the head table follow @KillShakespeare and @SnakesandLagers and “like” the Kill Shakespeare and Snakes Facebook pages for contest information.For more information contact:Kill Shakespeare Snakes & LagersConor McCreery Aaron Zack416.844.4122 Kill Shakespeare (IDW Publishing) is an award-winning comic book series created by Conor McCreery & Anthony Del Col. The original series has spawned two sequels, a live stage show that has played everywhere from New York to Dubai, a board game, and is currently being developed for television and other mediums.Snakes & Lagers is the late-night playground for Toronto’s gaming aficionados. Located in the heart of Little Italy, Snakes & Lagers offers 19 craft beer taps, an internationally inspired menu and hundreds of games for your eating, drinking and playing pleasure.
We Did It!
Well the dust has settled and the final numbers have been tallied and people, we ROCKED this little thing called Kickstarter!We ended up raising $38,585 dollars -- that's 154% MORE than our original goal. Because of you guys and your support, both in pledging, but just as importantly in spreading the word, we ended up hitting a stretch goal as well. The game now has a better board than it would have without you.And, I hear rumours, and these are JUST rumours that because we came so close to the SECOND stretch goal -- that we may end up seeing that happen anyway! Plus IDW has mentioned their might be some other surprises kicking about for those of you who pledged.Now I have been hearing a few common questions so let me answer them as best I can:
Q: Conor, I totally MEANT to support the kickstarter but I was kidnapped by Bolivian revolutionaries and just got back from Sucre... What do I do? Can I still get the Game?A: Yes. Yes, you can. The game is going to be distributed widely. IDW wants Kill Shakespeare and all the other games coming out to be easy to get. Your local comic shop can order them, as can any store that specializes in board games. We're told that most of these stores will be able to stock Kill Shakespeare starting in June. And of course, Anthony and I will probably bring a few copies to sell to most conventions.(Oh, and I hope you had a chance to say "hi" to Evo Morales when you were in Bolivia...)Q: When will I get my game if I supported the Kickstarter? Before those "Hamlet-come-lately" store buyers?A: We're told end of May is the likely time for that. The game has been thoroughly play-tested, we were just waiting to see what kickstarter goals we hit before sending the game to printers.Q: So, IS the game going to be even more awesome than I am currently thinking it will be?A: Yes! Definitely! I can't tell you what it's going to be but IDW and Pandasaurus have already GUARANTEED that there will be bonus content shipping with your game.
Q: When can I play you and Anthony?A: Why, we're glad you asked that! We're planning a couple of events, including one here in Toronto, that will give you a chance to play the game against us, see what all the fuss is about, and get copies for yourself.And right here, right now, I'm saying if you can manage to beat me I will.... uh... sign your comic books for free!(what can I say? I suck at games...)Q: Is there anything else I can do to help the game out?A: Yes, for sure. Once you have the game set up some nights for your friends, and then encourage them to go to their local store and get them to order it. The more we can pull games through the retail channels the more IDW is going to want to do expansion sets and then some of those other stretch goals we just missed out on may become a reality (Meeples anyone?)Again, you guys are amazing. We're the luckiest creators in the world to have friends and a fan-base like you.Much thanks,Conor & Anthony.
Uncertain Life and Sure Death
As the Ides of March approaches I’m kind of pondering that whole: “my thoughts be bloody or nothing worth” dilemma that Hamlet wrestles with. I mean, on one hand, murder is awful, bad, and often really messy – even if you’ve already covered the bathroom floor with a tarp and have the hack-saw and bag of quicklime on the go.On the OTHER hand – when Shakespeare does it, murder is pretty awesome. I mean, heads get chopped off, poison is consumed, there is not one, but TWO mass stabbings, people, Shakespeare once offed two kids by BAKING THEM IN A PIE and then SERVING THAT PIE TO THEIR MOM (“Mmm, this is good! Is this veal?” “No, it’s your kids, BOOM!”).So that got me to thinking about OTHER people who love Shakespeare like we do, and especially love the peculiar joy that comes with snuffing out some punk’s all too brief candle.This led us to David Malki ! and Ryan North – two of the creative engines behind the most excellent Machine of Death series of books and games. (PLUG ALERT: You may also know Ryan from his Blockbuster To Be or Not To Be: That Is The Adventure Kickstarter campaign.)Since Machine was such a HUGE success we thought it likely that it’s blend of wit, wordplay and cold-bloodedly hilarious focus on mass murder might be popular with you guys too, so David ! kindly let us design a BONUS SET OF CARDS for Machine of Death that has an all-Shakespeare flavour. You can download the card set here – these print and play beauties are ready to seamlessly fit into any Machine of Death game.

DOWNLOAD THE CARDS HERE: points (and prizes!) go to the first five people to correctly post in the comment section what play each card represents (or tweet us @IDWGAMES or @KillShakespeare). And if you know anyone who plays Machine, send’em over here – the more crossover between fans of Bardicide and fans of murder in general, the better.(plus, it means more credible suspects to throw the cops off your trail).Murderously yours,Conor
It's Official! A Brand New Mini-series Is On Its way!
It's official! Hamlet, Juliet, Shakespeare and our characters are coming back for more!IDW Publishing has officially announced this morning the release of Kill Shakespeare: The Mask of Night. Set to launch in June of this year, it is a four-issue series that continues our adventures but also allows us to introduce some new players to our stage. Oh, and there's pirates as well. The official summary of the series is:Hamlet, Juliet, Othello and Shakespeare become pawns in a deadly game between the infamous pirate Captain Cesario, his lover (and second mate) Viola, and the new terror on the seas, Titus Andronicus’ massive dreadnaught The Lavinia. Featuring pirate battles, action, violence, love, strong female heroines, comedy, death and an exploration of the power of myth, The Mask of Night continues the tales of Hamlet and Juliet from The Tide of Blood and also introduces new players (some of which will be featured in the board game) and mythologies.Yes, we are introducing Viola (from Twelfth Night) into our story. She is one of the most requested Shakespeare characters and we're excited to bring her into our story in a very unique take on her.Coming back to the series is its bedrock, Andy Belanger as artist for both interiors and covers. As he says, "Shari Chankhamma (colorist) and I have sharpened our pencils, made black our brushes and are ready to paint the high seas red in this next chapter of Kill Shakespeare! Get ready for BLOOD!"Conor and I are back on writing duties, and Shari is the colourist. Assisting us on our side is our amazing editorial assistant Keith Morris and we're excited to be working again with the team at IDW, from our editor Tom Waltz to designer Chris Mowry to everyone else (Chris Ryall, Ted Adams, Greg Goldstein, Dirk Wood, Rosalind Morehead, Kahlil Sweitzer, Alan Payne, Robbie Robbins and everyone else).Look for more updates in the coming months - we're excited about this!
Sneak peak at gameplay!
I hope that everyone had a fantastic holiday season and a great New Year's celebration! Here's to an amazing 2014!We will have a few interesting new items in the first half of this year but perhaps the most exciting one will be the Kill Shakespeare board game in May/June of this year. We will be putting together an pre-purchase awareness campaign next month but before that we're deeply immersed in the nuts and bolts of game creation. The early art by JK Woodward has been amazing and Conor and I are currently scripting some of the cards and missions for the game.However, the folks at IDW have been even luckier as two weeks ago they were able to do a very, very early play-test of the game. It's still quite rough with no art, set missions or some details missing but Jerry, Nate and Ted were able to get a feel for the game mechanics involved.Here are a couple photos from the very early play test. As mentioned, I'm so jealous!(Thanks to Nate Murray from IDW for sending the photos!)
It's Official: Kill Shakespeare board game to be released in 2014!
We are proud to announce that we have signed a deal with the newly-formed IDW Games and Pandasaurus Games to develop a Kill Shakespeare board game, which is slated for release in late-spring 2014!IDW approached us a few months ago with the idea of our title being one of the first board games under their new division, which will feature games based on some of their best-selling properties. We immediately jumped at the opportunity - a good number of our fans have been suggesting this to us over the last little while and the timing is going to work out perfectly for us.There are still many details to be worked out but we will keep you updated over the next 6-8 months as we further develop the game and may be looking for people to give us suggestions and feedback on what we can do. So stay tuned!The official press release: IDW Opens New Division: Introducing IDW Games! IDW Publishing Partners With Pandasaurus Games To Launch IDW Games San Diego, CA (October5, 2013) – As IDW Publishing looks forward to celebrating its 15th year as a leader in the comic-book industry, they are proud to announce a partnership with board-game giant, Pandasaurus Games, for the launch of a new division, IDW Games. “We’re well known for diversity at IDW, in the world of entertainment and comics,” said CEO &PublisherTedAdams.“With all of the great properties we publish, it seemed natural that a lot of them would make fantastic games. We’ve found the perfect partner in Pandasaurus Games to help us make that happen.” “We at Pandasaurus Games are thrilled to be working with the talented team at IDW to develop incredible games built on the amazing worlds of their comics. The wealth of creative talent that IDW has worked with is unmatched.More than that, their comic books create living breathing worlds that drip theme and beg readers to dive into headfirst. We can't wait to help bring these worlds to life for gamers everywhere. Pandasaurus and IDW are committed to working hand in hand with world class designers and artists to build original experiences from the ground up based on the living worlds created in the pages of IDW comics," said PandasaurusPresident/Founder Nathan McNair. IDW Games will specialize in high-quality big-box games developed around several of IDW’s key properties, beginning in the late spring of 2014 with Kill Shakespeare and 30 Days of Night. Readers and gamers alike will now be given the chance to battle the Bard or the vampires of Barrow, Alaska in these tabletop games developed by the same game designers that brought us the critically acclaimed fan-favorite,Yedo. “We're incredibly excited to move into tabletop gaming and give fans a way to spend even more time with their favorite titles. This is a very strong pair of games to launch right out of the gate, and over the next few months we'll be making more major announcements that should have the gaming community buzzing,” said IDW New Business Development Director Jerry Bennington. IDW is home to many exciting titles so look forward to the release of more details in the coming months, including new game announcements that are sure to excite both fans of IDW titles and tabletop gaming.
The Long Wait is Over - final Tide hits stores on August 28th
After what seemed like FOREVER, the final issue of Kill Shakespeare, The Tide of Blood is steaming its way from the printers in Korea to YOUR local comic book shop!(o.k., it probably isn't STEAMING its way here, since this isn't 1910, but "dieseling" doesn't have the same romance now, does it?)The issue will finally run aground at your LCS on the 28th of August. We apologize for the big gap between issues #4 and 5 -- there were some script issues we had to iron out and Andy hit a crazy busy patch in his work and personal life and it all conspired to see us JUST miss our July deadline.But that is the past, and the future is....... well, one HECK of an amazing end to the latest series! Issue #5 is a wild, break-neck race across the island you've grown to fear.This puppy will wrap up the increasingly jagged love triangle between Hamlet, Romeo and Juliet, will result in a wild three-way between Prospero, Shakespeare and Lady M (a WIZARD BATTLE you sicko, get your mind out of the gutter), and we'll get a better sense of just what Sycorax has in store for our heroes as well.I might even say it all ends on a "high tide"?(No? No, I shouldn't? In fact I should never try that pun again?Fair enough...)"Groaners" aside, because we're generous guys, below is a sneak preview of the VERY first page. I don't know how many other special peeks we can give you, every page is a spoiler in this 28-page juggernaut, but we can at least get you licking your chops for some Shakespearean action!Thanks for being patient, and for being the best fans in the world! (and for those of you who may have missed it, I'm also including the cover here as well)CONOR
The Tide of Blood Issue #1 now available for pre-order!
Now that December is here it is now time for comic shop retailers to order their stock for the month of February, 2013. And what specific comic title is being released in February? Kill Shakespeare: The Tide of Blood, of course!For those that don't know, comic retailers place all of their orders through Diamond Comic Distributors, which list all of the titles being released in a specific month in a magazine/catalogue called Previews. Everything is ordered two months in advance and retailers will order based on how many copies they think they will be able to sell when it comes out.Conor, myself, Keith Morris and the rest of our team will be doing an extended marketing campaign to retailers this month to make them aware of the new 5-issue arc The Tide of Blood. But we need help from you! Tell your comic retailer that they need to stock lots of copies of our series. Our first issue (back in April, 2010) was sold out immediately and when a 100 Penny Edition of the first issue was released back in 2011 it also sold out immediately. Those facts, combined with the knowledge that we are now entering a fifth printing of Volume 1 (and sales of Volume 2 increasing quickly) means that retailers can play a big role in ensuring the success of our series.So pre-order a copy (or copies) of Issue #1 this month from your retailer!The creative team is back - myself and Conor are writing the issues and Andy Belanger is doing the art. And he's doing some amazing stuff! He gets to play with a lot of fun elements - mystical creatures, cannibals, wizards and, of course, our main heroes that are returning to deal with the magical Prospero.We will be releasing more information about the new The Tide of Blood arc over the course of the month but make sure to let your retailers know - in person, over email, through Twitter and Facebook - that you want a copy!
Official IDW Announcement of new Kill Shakespeare Series!
Hot off the Presses!
Award-winning comic Mash-up Kill Shakespeare Returns to IDW with New Limited Series
Thursday, Oct 11th, 2012
San Diego, CA (October 11, 2012) – IDW Publishing is proud to announce the return of the acclaimed comic series Kill Shakespeare to comic shelves! The first issue of the new five-issue limited series, entitled The Tide of Blood, will hit comic shops across North America and Europe in February of 2013.Series co-creators Anthony Del Col and Conor McCreery returned to pen the five issues and original artist Andy Belanger is back as the series artist (and also adds cover artist duties). All three are at this week’s New York Comic Con to officially launch the new arc as well as present a special live stage reading based on the first twelve issues of the series that The New York Times called: “gripping, violent, dark, fun.”The five-issue series – a continuation from the first two books – will follow Hamlet, Juliet, Othello and Romeo as they face their biggest threat – Prospero, a rogue wizard who plans to destroy all of creation. Hamlet must embark on a perilous journey to a remote island whose inhabitants have gone mad and want the Dane’s blood – if a love triangle and Cupid’s poisoned bow doesn’t kill Hamlet first.“It is a dream come true for us to be back at the New York Comic-Con, where we first pitched Kill Shakespeare to IDW almost four years ago,” says Del Col. “We are incredibly happy that our fans and readers have been asking for more and have put together a new story that takes our characters in an exciting new direction.”To date, Kill Shakespeare has been collected into two trades: A Sea of Troubles and The Blast of War. Both were nominated for numerous awards and lists and Volume 1 is entering a fifth printing.“I had an awesome time working on the first two volumes of Kill Shakespeare,” said series editor Tom Waltz. “Tickling both my literary and action-adventure fancies, Conor, Anthony, and Andy have most definitely given me one of the most satisfying and unique experiences I've had as an editor at IDW Publishing. And, just as the first go round proved it's hard to kill Shakespeare, well, it's hard to kill a fantastic story concept, too, and I truly believe the best is yet to come from the Kill Shakespeare crew!”The series has also been brought to the stage with the creation of the Kill Shakespeare: Live Stage Reading theatrical show. It has been produced in various cities across North America and will be presented at the New York Comic-Con on Saturday October 13th at 11:00 AM on the Variant Stage. Special Kill Shakespeare and IDW prize packs will be given away to lucky attendees at this free show!Visit to learn more about the company and its top-selling books. IDW can also be found at!/idwpublishing and and on Twitter at @idwpublishing.About the seriesKill Shakespeare is an adventure story that pits all of Shakespeare’s greatest heroes (including Hamlet, Juliet, Falstaff, Othello, Puck) against the Bard’s most menacing villains (including Richard III, Lady Macbeth, Iago, Prospero) in a quest to track down and kill – or save – a reclusive wizard by the name of William Shakespeare. The series was nominated for a 2011 Harvey Award for Best New Comic Series the 2011 and 2012 Joe Shuster Awards for Comic Writing and has been selected to the YALSA and Maverick lists for top graphic novels for teens. The series has been covered by NPR, BBC, The Washington Post, CBC and The New York Times. In October 2011, Kill Shakespeare was chosen by the Sundance Institute as one of six projects for the inaugural New Frontiers Story Lab.“Gripping, violent, dark, fun…” – The New York Times“Bravo! Kill Shakespeare is a tale woven with the wit, magic and myth, worthy of Will himself.” – Des McAnuff (Stratford Festival, Jersey Boys)“Fresh and conceptually inventive… Easily one of the more exciting new projects bouncing around.” – Publisher’s Weekly“It’s a rare thing, indeed, to see such brilliant new talent deliver a series that immediately feels so fully formed and realized.” – The Washington PostAbout IDW PublishingIDW is an award-winning publisher of comic books, graphic novels and trade paperbacks, based in San Diego, California. Renowned for its diverse catalog of licensed and independent titles, IDW publishes some of the most successful and popular titles in the industry, including: Hasbro’s The TRANSFORMERS and G.I. JOE, Paramount’s Star Trek; HBO’s True Blood; the BBC’s DOCTOR WHO; Nickelodeon’s Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles; Toho’s Godzilla; Wizards of the Coasts Magic: The Gathering and Dungeons & Dragons; and the Eisner-Award winning Locke & Key series, created by best-selling author Joe Hill and artist Gabriel Rodriguez. IDW is also home to the Library of American Comics imprint, which publishes classic comic reprints, and Yoe! Books, a partnership with Yoe! Studio.IDW’s critically- and fan-acclaimed series are continually moving into new mediums. Currently, Jerry Bruckheimer Films and Disney are creating a feature film based on World War Robot, while Michael Bay‘s Platinum Dunes and Sony are bringing Zombies vs. Robots to film.
Andy will be at Comic-Con this week!
This year's version of Comic-Con starts this week (from Wednesday night - Sunday evening), the world's largest pop culture convention. It's the mecca for all things geek and cool these days and the convention centre in San Diego will be filled to the brim with the latest in film, comics, television, video games, anime, manga and anything else you can think of.Conor and I will not be attending this year (we've done pretty much every other convention possible thus far - and will hit all of the major ones in the fall) as we'll be busy hitting some deadlines for scripts (more details to be announced in the coming months...).However, artist Andy Belanger will be at the show the entire weekend so if you'd like to meet up with him and get him sign a copy of Kill Shakespeare, check out his new series Black Church, or just find out what he's really like (he's as fun as the Pillsbury Cookie Dough guy...) you can find him at the following spots:
Table #1320 - He will be there every day at this spot;
IDW Booth #2643 - Friday morning from 10am - 11am
To pick up copies of Kill Shakespeare at the show Andy will have some copies on him but you will also be able to pick up copies at the IDW booth (they will have both Volumes for sale).And colourist Ian Herring, who is nominated this year for an Eisner Award, will also be attending the show so you may be able to see him while you're there.I highly recommend that you check out the IDW booth while you're there - they've got some great new Con Exclusive releases (including Darwyn Cooke's next Parker book) and you'll have the chance to check out new series like Smoke & Mirrors (I highly recommend it).
Photos from Dubai!
I apologize that these photos are so late - I had hoped to post them earlier this week but things have been quite busy with creative work as well as preparation for our U.K. trip (we head out on Tuesday for two weeks of conventions, signings, meetings, and inspiration in the home of Shakespeare!).
I've posted a number of things about our trip to the Middle East Film and Comic-Con, and a full summary of my time can be found here. But here are some additional photos I haven't posted yet...
Truck Problems
We've just heard from our publisher, IDW Publishing. Apparently the truck from our distribution company, Diamond Book Distributors, broke down so all of their titles this week are delayed until next.Again, sorry for an inconvenience in not getting our issue out onto the stands today.
Issue #12 Release - Next Week (Aug 24th)
We have just discovered that our Issue #12, originally scheduled for release today, will not be out until next week (Wed, Aug 24th). We apologize for this confusion. We're not sure what the problem is an are investigating.In advance of this, today ran a preview of the first eight pages of the issue. Entitled "Kill Shakespeare's Final Showdown Is Just the Start", it talks about our final issue, future plans for the series, and how we are looking to make our concept interactive. You can check out the profile and pages by clicking the logo.
Issue #12 released August 17th!
We've had a number of people inquire about the release date of our final issue, #12. The original release date was to be yesterday (July 27th) but due to some problems beyond our control the release date has been pushed to August 17th. We apologize to anyone - readers, fans, retailers - that were expecting to pick it up yesterday.The August 17th release date is perfect as it will be just before the Baltimore Comic-Con where we are nominated for Best New Series.
We are currently reviewing the preview PDF copy and are quite proud of the issue. It's definitely something worth the wait!
Issue #12 is off to the presses!
Just a couple of hours ago we officially signed off on the twelfth issue of our series. Yes, Issue #12. Our final one. It's off to those magical people in Korea who will now put the issue together for us and ship it out later this month for arrival in comic book stores in the first week in August.
It's an amazing feeling to see the issue complete... yet at the same time a bit of sadness as it's the end of this run. I can't say anything at this point but this won't be the last issue of Kill Shakespeare, potentially, maybe, hopefully...There are so many awesome people to thank for completing this issue, especially Andy Belanger and Ian Herring, who have put together an amazing finale. However, I'd like to take the time to thank Chris Mowry, who went above-and-beyond the call of duty on this issue to get it done. Chris has been the letterer for a majority of the issues in the series and he's really done a great job. I really wish the Harvey Awards voters could have recognized him earlier this week with their nominations. For this issue he practically pulled all-nighters to get it done and we owe him a big thanks for this.And so we wait to see the final product in our hands...
We're nominated for a Harvey Award!
Just released today is the nominees list for the 2011 Harvey Awards, which celebrate outstanding work in comics and sequential art and are voted on by industry professionals. And we are nominated! We are up for BEST NEW SERIES.
Click on the Harvey Awards logo above to see the full list of nominees.The awards will be handed out August 20th at the Baltimore Comic-Con. We have already been making plans to attend the show based solely on how popular the convention is according to people we talk to. This nomination will just add to the Baltimore experience.Thanks to everyone that put our name forward for consideration. Seeing as how this is voted on by industry professionals - and not a small committee of a few people - this is so much more special for us. We will, of course, begin preparing our For Your Consideration campaign for the award...And, of course, thanks to everyone on our team that made this nomination possible - my co-creator Conor, the fantastic artist Andy Belanger (who really deserved a nomination in the Best New Talent or Best Artist category), similarly-deserving colourist Ian Herring, cover artist Kagan McLeod, our published IDW, and every other member of the team. And, most importantly, to every reader of the series - thanks for following us as a new series!
Issue #11 is released!
Our penultimate Issue #11 (Once More Unto the Breach) is released today in comic book stores in North America (the UK and foreign locales will get their copies tomorrow)!
We're really happy with this issue as is really drives the story forward towards our final issue (of this arc), which will be released in late July/early August. The early reviews are really positive, including a great review at Newsarama.So if you'd like to purchase a copy, swing by a local comic book store (you can find the closest to you at this link) - and let us know what you think!
Second printing!
We have been contacted by a number of retail stores (comic book stores, independent book stores, specialty theatre shops, etc.) over the last two months, telling us that they are out of stock of our graphic novel and would like to re-order copies for customers that have been looking to buy copies. Their orders were delayed and put on back-order.No more!We have just discovered that IDW has done a second printing our graphic novel and these should be ready to be shipped this week! So wait no more - additional copies are on their way!And yes, this means that sales for the book are going quite well. Thanks to all of the retailers and buyers who have been patient and we look forward to you getting more copies.
Reprint of Issue #1!
We had many people last spring/summer approach us about purchasing the first issue of Kill Shakespeare as soon as the first two issues were sold out. There was a lot of demand and a lot of disappointment with IDW was unable to do a reprint. However, that is no longer - next Wednesday (the 16th) IDW will be issuing a reprint of our Issue #1!As part of a new Hundred Penny initiative (yes, issues available for only one dollar!), IDW Publishing is reissuing the first issues of some of their most popular series for those that missed them the first time around. We are excited to be considered one of those titles and look forward to garnering a number of new readers in the process!Here is the actual cover of the 100 Penny reissue (cover by Andy Belanger) - click for a larger version:
Sold Out!
We were informed yesterday by our publisher IDW Publishing that the first two issues of Kill Shakespeare are now sold out! What this means is that there are still copies available in stores but the back-stock is now depleted! Not bad for a new title. Thanks to everyone that has purchased copies and also those that have told others about it!IDW is currently coming up with some cool plans on re-printing the first two issues. Once we get more information on this we will let everyone know. I know that a lot of people - customers, fans and retailers - have been inquiring about getting their hands on copies and hopefully the new ones will be at stores soon.